Because we have now enrolled a sufficient number of families into our program, we are able to analyze our principal outcomes across three time points (baseline, post-therapy, and follow-up). The subsequent charts and tables provide data for these analyses.

There are several notable findings from these data.
- Both caregivers and children experience decreases in trauma symptoms at the end of therapy, and this trend continues even after therapy has ended. This is a strong testament to the impact CFTSI makes in families’ lives.
- Caregivers perceive their children’s resiliency as having increased by the end of therapy, and this trend continues even after therapy has ended. Although the absolute magnitude of change is not large, it is statistically significant. This would seem to indicate that participation in CFTSI can promote some post-traumatic growth.
- However, when looking at children’s ratings of their own resiliency, a similar pattern is not observed. Although they do make significant improvements from baseline to post-therapy, this trend does not continue after therapy has ended.
- Our current sample size is small. We will continue to monitor these trends to see if they persist. Additional analyses may help identify covarying factors that influence these outcomes. In the meantime, we will share these results with our clinicians so that they can help caregivers continue to foster resiliency in their children.