Client Graduation Rate from CFTSI
Continuing our theme of growth and change… This month Project CONTACT instituted a new method of tracking treatment disposition.
We have always been interested in knowing how many of our families graduate once they’ve entered our program. Historically, we’ve defined “success” by noting whether families complete all sessions of CFTSI. We further delineate whether families who finish our program require additional treatment at discharge.
Over time, however, we began to realize that there was an important distinction that were not capturing – namely whether families who needed additional treatment required trauma-focused treatment or some other type of mental health counseling.
Therefore, this month we reviewed all previous cases and identified this more nuanced definition of requiring additional treatment.
This graph presents the outcomes of all families discharged from our program to date:
This represents a 58% graduation rate, which is comparable, if not better than published CFTSI studies. Not only are we proud of these outcomes, but we are also pleased that this means that nearly half (46%) of all families who graduate do not need further trauma treatment.