Impact of Caregiver Symptomatology in CFTSI
The Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention is a conjoint model in which both the caregiver and child participate in treatment. We wanted to evaluate whether the impact of caregiver’s ratings of their own trauma symptomatology impacts any therapeutic processes or outcomes.
First, we note that Caregivers and Children are very congruent in their ratings of the Child’s Trauma symptomatology {r(78) = .34, p = .002}.
Interestingly, we also see that Caregiver’s ratings of their own trauma symptoms are also quite similar to their ratings of their child’s trauma symptoms {r(43) = .61, p <.001}.
Finally, we see that there is no impact on whether families graduate from CFTSI or not based on the the degree of Caregiver symptomatology {F(1,42) = .007, p=.933}.